For the 2024 issue of Etudes, we invite any and all theatre or performance studies scholarship on a wide range of topics. Visit http://www.etudesonline.com/cfp.html for full details.
Submission Guidelines:
Note: If you plan to submit an essay that draws from a dissertation chapter or book chapter, please adapt this material into essay length and form, ie..., articulate a thesis; keep literature review to a minimum; and keep the essay to an appropriate scope for a 5000 word essay.
- Critical Essays should be 4000-6000 words including notes.
- Notes from the Field submissions should be 1500-3000 words, and discuss the process of creating a theatrical production of some kind.
- We are open to other forms of artistic scholarship as well - feel free to inquire if you have something that doesn't easily fit into one of the other categories.
Note: If you plan to submit an essay that draws from a dissertation chapter or book chapter, please adapt this material into essay length and form, ie..., articulate a thesis; keep literature review to a minimum; and keep the essay to an appropriate scope for a 5000 word essay.
All submissions (including audio or video) must be accompanied by a cover page that includes your name and affiliation, title of submission, email and phone number, brief personal bio, and brief abstract (150-300 words). The submissions themselves should, if possible, be stripped of anything that identifies the author. Identity should only be noted in the cover sheet.
Authors are responsible for obtaining appropriate permissions to use any non-original content within their submissions.
Submissions must not be under consideration for any other publication.
Submissions and inquiries should be emailed to etudeseditor@gmail.com. If your submission cannot be sent via email (for example, large video files), please email us and we will work out the easiest method of delivery.
Manuscripts should adhere to most recent MLA guidelines and should be submitted in MS Word format. Please use in-text citations and a works cited page, and any notes should be included as footnotes rather than endnotes. And try to be certain that there is one space between sentences rather than two. Please do not put your name in the manuscript document. While our online format makes our length requirements very flexible, we ask that papers not exceed 6,000 words (including footnotes and works cited). When additional media such as videos or photos are included in a manuscript submission, please send those additional elements separately rather than embedding them in the document file. Please do be sure to indicate in your file where the elements should be included.
Audio pieces should be submitted via email in mp3 format. Video pieces should be submitted in mov or mp4 formats, preferably 640 pixels in width. Videos will need to be submitted via file transfer site, vimeo download or other secure source for large file transfer. Please be sure to email the editors to discuss video submission. Though it is not required, some written component (in addition to the required cover page) to accompany and contextualize your project may be advisable.
We are looking for evocative photography to populate our website, and we are hoping that some folks will be willing to share images of the exciting work you are doing! These images will not be peer reviewed and may be submitted at any time. You must own the rights to a photo in order to submit it. Any photos used on the site will be given appropriate credit.
We do not currently have the capabilities for hosting web-based projects, but do hope to in the future. Please feel free to contact us if you have ideas in this area.
All submissions will be blind reviewed by two reviewers from our editorial board (listed in the ABOUT section). Please note that, with many video or audio submissions, true anonymity may not be possible, but such pieces will still be fairly reviewed.
The mission of this journal is to provide publication opportunities for those who haven't had many yet, so we are primarily looking for submissions from scholars who fit that description - graduate students, early career faculty, largely unpublished independent scholars or artists, etc.
Etudes supports the Creative Commons option for alternative licensing protections. Authors retain ownership of their work, while allowing certain usages. We do ask that, if your work is shared again later in another source or form, you cite Etudes as the original source of publication. The Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives license under which we operate allows readers to download and share your work, but only with appropriate attribution. They may not alter your work in any way, or use your work commercially without your express permission. If your materials contain elements that are under another copyright, it is up to you (the author) to secure the appropriate permissions to include those elements in publication of your work.
All submissions (including audio or video) must be accompanied by a cover page that includes your name and affiliation, title of submission, email and phone number, brief personal bio, and brief abstract (150-300 words). The submissions themselves should, if possible, be stripped of anything that identifies the author. Identity should only be noted in the cover sheet.
Authors are responsible for obtaining appropriate permissions to use any non-original content within their submissions.
Submissions must not be under consideration for any other publication.
Submissions and inquiries should be emailed to etudeseditor@gmail.com. If your submission cannot be sent via email (for example, large video files), please email us and we will work out the easiest method of delivery.
Manuscripts should adhere to most recent MLA guidelines and should be submitted in MS Word format. Please use in-text citations and a works cited page, and any notes should be included as footnotes rather than endnotes. And try to be certain that there is one space between sentences rather than two. Please do not put your name in the manuscript document. While our online format makes our length requirements very flexible, we ask that papers not exceed 6,000 words (including footnotes and works cited). When additional media such as videos or photos are included in a manuscript submission, please send those additional elements separately rather than embedding them in the document file. Please do be sure to indicate in your file where the elements should be included.
Audio pieces should be submitted via email in mp3 format. Video pieces should be submitted in mov or mp4 formats, preferably 640 pixels in width. Videos will need to be submitted via file transfer site, vimeo download or other secure source for large file transfer. Please be sure to email the editors to discuss video submission. Though it is not required, some written component (in addition to the required cover page) to accompany and contextualize your project may be advisable.
We are looking for evocative photography to populate our website, and we are hoping that some folks will be willing to share images of the exciting work you are doing! These images will not be peer reviewed and may be submitted at any time. You must own the rights to a photo in order to submit it. Any photos used on the site will be given appropriate credit.
We do not currently have the capabilities for hosting web-based projects, but do hope to in the future. Please feel free to contact us if you have ideas in this area.
All submissions will be blind reviewed by two reviewers from our editorial board (listed in the ABOUT section). Please note that, with many video or audio submissions, true anonymity may not be possible, but such pieces will still be fairly reviewed.
The mission of this journal is to provide publication opportunities for those who haven't had many yet, so we are primarily looking for submissions from scholars who fit that description - graduate students, early career faculty, largely unpublished independent scholars or artists, etc.
Etudes supports the Creative Commons option for alternative licensing protections. Authors retain ownership of their work, while allowing certain usages. We do ask that, if your work is shared again later in another source or form, you cite Etudes as the original source of publication. The Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives license under which we operate allows readers to download and share your work, but only with appropriate attribution. They may not alter your work in any way, or use your work commercially without your express permission. If your materials contain elements that are under another copyright, it is up to you (the author) to secure the appropriate permissions to include those elements in publication of your work.
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