The International Federation for Theatre Research exists to facilitate communication and exchange between scholars of theatre and performance research throughout the world through its conference events and publishing activities.
Founded in 1957, the Federation currently boasts members from 44 countries and from all continents. It holds annual international conferences, regional conferences, and research working group symposia. It owns a leading international journal (Theatre Research International) and in association with Brill publishes the series Themes in Theatre, dedicated to collective work by IFTR members.
Constitutional Aims
- To organise international conferences and symposia.
- To establish working groups for specific research projects.
- To assist memberes to obtain grants for their work from foundations, trusts, and other grant-making bodies.
- To assist in organising societies for theatre research.
- To submit to the authorities of all countries the desirability of creating and maintaining courses, institutes and chairs of theatre research.
- To publish the work of its members in peer-reviewed books series and a major international journal.