IFTR 2018 - Translation, Adaptation, Dramaturgy Working Group CFP

04 December, 2017 | 0 comments

We would like to invite papers which examine what it means to understand and conceptualise the practices of translation, adaptation and dramaturgies as a form of migration, displacement and otherness.

The cfp for the 2018 IFTR conference focuses on theatre and migration. Not only does the term migration invoke one of the central political, social, humanitarian and cultural issues of our time, it is also, by its very nature, a central concern for the Translation, Adaptation and Dramaturgy working group. The notion of migration is intrinsically linked to questions of mobility and access as it evokes various performances of borders—for some they are porous, almost flexible, and for others they are impenetrable. Yet it also demonstrates the centrality of adaptation, translation and dramaturgies as all three are characteristics as well as strategies of migration.

We would like to invite papers which examine what it means to understand and conceptualise the practices of translation, adaptation and dramaturgies as a form of migration, displacement and otherness. What can our understanding of these three related creative acts offer to our understanding of this central concern of our time? What are the power relations enacted through translation, adaptation and dramaturgies in terms of the displaced and in terms of the construction as well as permeation of borders?

As such, possible topics for TAD mirror the general cfp:

·         Performing borders

·         Migration/ national identity/ national theatre

·         Access and mobility

·         Theatre history and historiography of migration

·         Migrating histories

·         Identity politics and the ‘humanism of the other’

·         Gender, race, ethnicity, and performances of belonging

·         Language and translation

·         Performing migratory geographies

·         Staging the paradox of hospitality

·         Theatres of migration, mobility, and citizenship

·         Political theatre and migration

·         Performing community and displacement

·         Theatre of migrants/theatre for migrants

·         Ethics and agency of staging the Other

·         Open, closed and mobile spaces of performance

·         Migrating aesthetics

·         Theatre, migration & spectatorship

·         Migrating audiences

·         Migration, mutation, appropriation

·         Migration as the release of tensions

·         Performances of inclusion—migration and cultural policy

·         Migration, participation and delegated performance

·         Media, migration, theatre

·         Theorizing migration and theatre

·         Ecologies of theatre and migration

Moreover, we will readily consider contributions that touch on any aspect of the Group's remit. We also warmly welcome new members who wish to take part in the group's discussions, but who do not want to submit a paper.


We shall continue the practice of circulating papers in advance in order to make the most of the time and opportunity for a wider discussion of those papers. Therefore, following acceptance of the abstracts, papers must be sent to the Working Group’s convenors by 11 June so that they can be made available for Working Group members to read before the conference. Recommended length of papers: 3,000-3,500 words; maximum 4000 words. At the conference, participants will speak briefly to their papers (max. 10 minutes), highlighting the key elements and arguments.

Submission Details
The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 15 January 2018. Please consult the IFTR 2018 conference website for any up-dates.


Please, indicate whether you would like to be considered for a working-group sponsored open panel.

All abstract submissions are made through the Cambridge Core website. However, in order to make a submission you will need to become a member of IFTR, first.



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