Queer Futures CfP IFTR Galway 2020

07 January, 2020 by Joe Parslow | 0 comments

Queer Futures CfP IFTR Galway 2020

Call for Papers for Queer Futures Working Group at IFTR Galway 2020



Queer Futures Working Group, IFTR

Theatre Ecologies: Environments, Sustainability, and Politics

IFTR 2020, Galway

Queer Performance Ecologies


Queer Performance Ecologies

The group welcomes papers, performative presentations and provocations that take a queer approach to the conference theme, ‘Theatre Ecologies: Environments, Sustainability, and Politics’. Potential topics and questions could include could include, but are not limited to:


  • How does queerness collate with the environment and climate crises? 
  • How are certain performance forms and practices more sustainable given the threat that queer individuals face in some/certain ecologies? 
  • How might ideas or understandings of ecologies help to find links across disparate performance forms and practices? 
  • How are certain ecologies more receptive of and work to protect queer performances? 
  • How do queer performers create their own safe ecologies to do the work they wish to do? How do these ecologies function and maintain anonymity in larger state-driven ecologies? 
  • What is the relationship between queerness and sustainability? How can/does this emerge in performance?
  • Drawing connections between queer performance forms
  • Finding affinities across borders
  • Queer performances and supportive ecologies 
  • Queer performance and transnationalism
  • Queerness and the environment
  • Queerness and protest
  • Alternative ecologies and queer performance
  • Labour surrounding the production of queer performance work


In addition to submissions that consider aspects of the conference theme, we also invite contributions that touch on any aspects of the Group’s general remit surrounding queer futures. We currently are engaged with ideas of queer dramaturgy, affect, temporality, representation, community, transnationality, performance research, and more. We are particularly interested in hearing from local performers who are currently producing queer work or engaging with queer performance.



Papers/Performance-Presentations/Provocations are usually 15 - 20 minutes long and followed by discussion. The conveners will circulate more information on the format once submissions have been accepted, and are happy to receive suggestions for full panels or alternative panel and presentation formats. 


We warmly welcome new members, including those who wish to take part in the group’s discussion, but who do not want to submit a paper.



The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 31 January 2020. To contribute a paper, please submit a 250-300 word abstract and other details through the Cambridge Journals Online website https://www.cambridge.org/core/membership/iftr.


Please also forward a copy of your submission to the Queer Futures’ Conveners, Ankush Gupta (ankush.music@gmail.com), Fatima A Maan (fatima.maan@nyu.edu), and Joe Parslow (joseph.parslow@cssd.ac.uk)


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