01 July, 2015

JULY 2015 PROPOSAL DRAFT 3 EDITORIAL GUIDELINES FOR PROPOSED VOLUME 2 OF POLITICAL PERFORMANCE WORKING GROUP ARTICLES (PPWg at IFTR) PROVISIONAL EDITORIAL TEAM: Dr Lloyd Peters: L.Peters@salford.ac.uk; lloyd.peters@virgin.net Dr Mireia Aragay: aragay@ub.edu Dr Jose Ramon Prado: prado@ang.uji.es DrPaola Botham: paola.botham@bc..ac.uk Prof Avraham Oz: avitaloz@gmail.com

AIM:  To collate, assemble and edit papers submitted for any PPWg panels/sessions (and IFTR sponsored panels) from 2009-2016 to be published as the second anthology volume of ‘Political Performances: Theory and Practice’.

Note: the subtitle of the volume can change depending on the material received. Theory and Practice vol. 2 may still end up being the best title, especially as there is a continuity.


1. Delegates invited to submit an abstract of their most suitable paper for consideration for this publication. Only one submission per PPWg delegate allowed.

2. Papers should have been written especially for PPWg panels/sessions and presented (or scheduled for Hyderabad presentation) between 2009 - present at the working group (or PPWg sponsored group).

3. Exclusivity: The articles cannot have appeared in any other forum, that is in a journal, book or on a non-PPWg website.

4. The range of papers should reflect the diversity of the PPWg sessions and philosophy. 

The structure and subheadings will depend on the material we receive.

The previous Volume 1 structure, which might be again useful to follow is presented as an example here:

Introductions and Mapping

Queries - incl. ‘the politics of representation’, ‘ownership of personal stories’, ‘the effectiveness of veracity’.

Texts – incl. ‘politics of understanding representation of history’, ‘understanding history of forms’, ‘building contemporary connections’.

Contexts – incl. the ‘ability of political performance to represent atrocity, war, genocide’, ‘censorship and self-censorship’, ‘presenting the unpresentable’.

Practice – incl. ‘personal processes and relationships’, ‘the ethics of the vulnerable and dispossessed’, ‘exploration of performance strategies’, ‘the empowerment of the performer and the spectator’.

About the Contributors.

New ‘frames’ and section headings will inevitably reflect the contributors’ submissions; to be expected and encouraged for Volume 2 (and to be discussed by the Editorial Team).

For example:

  •         ‘Observe, Witness, Rehearse, Reflect’ (Avi Oz).
  •         Topics or ‘clusters’ that have been identified in the last two meetings, such as: Theatre, Histories and Ideologies; Political Theatre: Old, New and Renewed; Performance and Participation (in the sense of inclusion/exclusion and spectatorship); Performance and Activism.

5. The collation and editing process workload will be shared as equally as possible amongst the editing team. Lloyd to co-ordinate.


Part of the editorial team will meet in Hyderabad. This proposal will also be discussed with members in attendance at the Wg Meeting (Wed 8 July).

Provisional deadline for abstract submission:

It is proposed that in the first instance Abstract proposals (one per delegate) should be presented by email to Lloyd Peters by end of February 2016. These will be then disseminated to the editorial team for consideration and provide them with ideas as to the book’s structure and headings. This date might alter depending on the timescale demanded by publishers and publishing deadlines.


Both convenors have been approached by Jack MacKenzie, Commissioning Editor of Cambridge Scholars. Lloyd is arranging a meeting with him to discuss their offer.

However, the preferred option is to publish through IFTR. The series Themes in Theatre, where the first volume was published, will continue under Brill (which has taken over Rodopi):


Paola will contact Helen Gilbert, IFTR Vice-President (Publications), for details on the new arrangements.

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