Call for Contributions: Performance and Disability Working Group, International Federation for Theatre Research (IFTR) World Congress 2018
Call for Contributions:
Performance and Disability Working Group,
International Federation for Theatre Research (IFTR) World Congress 2018
Theatre and Migration
Theatre, Nation and Identity: Between Migration and Stasis
9th July – 13th July 2018, Belgrade
Abstract deadlines: 15 January 2018
Bursary application deadlines: 10 December 2017
Deadline for submitting presentations: 1 May 2018
IFTR 2018 conference, Theatre and Migration, frames migration as “an act—a form of being/doing”, “a relational category”, “a process of moving from one point to the other that necessitates meandering, wandering, changing of pace, transformation, negotiation, and adaptation”. It approaches the notion as it relates both to the making of the Other on stage, and in everyday life, and to the moving together of bodies, animals and things as well as to the diffusion of thoughts, customs and forms. IFTR’s Performance and Disability Working Group invites contributions that explore the meanings and implications of these approaches to and articulations of migration within a disability, theatre and performance context. From the representational traditions of constructing the disabled body as the ultimate Other and locating it to the margins of margins to the playfulness, creativity and unruliness of disability cultures and coalitionary politics of disability communities; from the way disabled people change pace, crip time, and negotiate their movements and selves in relation to an ableist world to the performative acts of migration that form new collectivities on and off stage, the intermingling of disability, migration and performance opens up a hole set of questions, tensions and possibilities. IFTR Performance and Disability Working Group invites academic papers, practice-led work, artistic expressions and explorations that explore these entanglements from a creative and a critical lens.
Possible topics include but are not limited to:
- Disability, chronic illness, pain, mental health, theatre and accessibility
- Disabling geographies, enabling performance practices
- Mobilities and immobilities
- Performing borders and “unfit” bodies
- Disability, migrating histories and narratives
- Disability, belonging, state and citizenship
- Migration, theories of intersectionality, and queer/crip politics
- Disability, political theatre and migration
- Ethics of theatre and agency in relation to disability
- Disability, and the remaking of performance spaces and temporalities
- Disability, theatre, migration & spectatorship
- Migrating audiences
- Disability, performing communities, and displacement
- Disability, performance and politics of ‘inclusion’
- Disability, digital world, migration and mediated performances
- Ecologies of disability, theatre and migration
Deadline for abstract submission: January 15th 2018
Abstract submission via Cambridge Core.
Abstracts for contributions of any format (max. 300 words) along with a short bio of (max. 200 words) should be submitted through the Cambridge Core website by 15 January 2018. To submit an abstract please follow these instructions:
If you have already a Cambridge Core account, you can download instructions on how to join IFTR here:
If you do not have a Cambridge Core account, you can download instructions on how to join IFTR here:
The working group circulates papers or hybrid formats of presentations prior to the conference. The deadline to send your material to the co-conveners is 1 May 2018.
We would also strongly encourage anyone who is qualified to submit work for the New Scholars' or Helsinki Prizes. Please note that the application deadline for both the New Scholars' Prize and the Helsinki Prize is fast approaching on 15 December 2017. Full details are available on the Prizes webpage:
PLEASE NOTE: The deadline to apply for conference bursaries is 10 December 2017:
For more information on the Working Group and the
conference see:
If you have any questions about the Working Group, please contact the conveners:
Arseli Dokumaci, adv[at]
Yvonne Schmidt,[at]
Join the mailing list of the IFTR-FIRT Working Group:https://listserv.unibe.
Facebook: https://www.
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