#IFTR2025 Cologne Abstract Deadline Extension

17 January, 2025

#IFTR2025 Cologne CfP Deadline Extension

Dear IFTR members and those who would yet like to become one,

next Wednesday the deadline for the submission of papers for the annual conference in Cologne from June 9-13, 2025, officially expires. Since we know that the end of the year brought full schedules and that the transition into the new year can at times be a bit leisurely, we would like to announce the joyful news today that the call for papers will be extended by one week! It will be possible to submit abstracts via the Cambridge Core website until 22 January. So if your thoughts on the carnivalesque, on performance around metamorphosis, ecstasy and subversion have so far only been left to the imagination, seize the opportunity and start writing. Because – and this is important – since the conference will take place in June this year, there will be no further deadline extension! Your opportunity to visit us in Cologne will end on 22 January.

We look forward to more exciting applications and wish everyone a peaceful and inspiring 2025!

The Cologne Team

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