Publication of IPED Special Issue: “Intersections, Institutions and Inequities: Axes of Oppression in the Cultural Sector”
23 September, 2020 by Asif Majid | 0 comments

We are delighted to announce the publication of IPED’s special issue titled “Intersections, Institutions and Inequities: Axes of Oppression in the Cultural Sector.”
Hi Everyone
We are delighted to announce the publication of IPED’s special issue titled “Intersections, Institutions and Inequities: Axes of Oppression in the Cultural Sector.” As with all of IPED’s publications, this special issue is freely available and completely open access.
This special issue’s research articles include discussions of: structural racism at one creative educational institution in particular and the UK Higher Education sector in general, inclusive casting in staged performance, culture jamming as a strategy of minoritarian survival, and the staging of gendered Blackness and homelessness in Washington DC. There are also two transnational artistic reflections, the first from two Turkish theatre makers in Canada on the politics of being aesthetically and ethnically Othered and the second from an Indian-American theatre practitioner who critiques the neo-colonial framework employed by an arts/activist organization that aims to empower refugee women who have newly arrived to the UK.
These writings represent vital discussions at a time of racial reckoning and transnational decolonizing. They are also primarily written by minority scholars and artists, more of which is sorely needed. We invite you to peruse, consider, and share these writings. They are powerful, thought-provoking pieces that both address and aim to redress our current sociopolitical moment.
Roaa Ali and Asif Majid
Co-Editors, “Intersections, Institutions, and Inequities”
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Equality and Diversity
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