Special Issue of PARtake: The Journal of Performance as Research
11 February, 2019 by William Lewis | 0 comments
Special Issue of PARtake: The Journal of Performance as Research. "PAR and Embodiment: Dance, Corporeality, and the Body in Research
Dear Colleagues,
Our apologies for any Cross-posting
We are proud to announce the publication of a Special Issue of PARtake: The Journal of Performance as Research. Volume 2, Issue 2 was Guest Edited by Donna Mejia and is titled “PAR and Embodiment: Dance, Corporeality, and the Body in Research.”
You can access the issue at: https://www.partakejournal.org/vol2iss2
The issue contains the following material:
PAR and Embodiment: Dance, Corporeality, and the Body in Research
Donna Mejia
Reframing Habitat
Larry Asakawa and Jhalak Kara Miller
Sewing Pain: Using Costume To Bring The Clinical Body Forward
Filipa Malva
The State of Dancingness: Staying with Leaving
Jo Pollitt
Floating in Space: DisEmbodied Experiences of Being Held Tightly by the Vast Emptiness in Turrell’s 'Perfectly Clear'
Naomi P. Bennett
Post-Soviet Primas: Challenging Archive and Repertoire
Ania Nikulina
An Infographic Approach to Presenting Dance Data from the Choreographer's Studio
Stephan Jürgens, Carla Fernandes, and Vito Evola
A Video Article
Triptych: Genesis, Kavana, Sabbath
Ben Spatz, N. Eda Erçin, Caroline Gatt, and Agnieszka
Book Review
Book Review: 'Shakespeare and Gender in Practice' by Terri Power
Kate Busselle
William W. Lewis and Niki Tulk
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