Call for papers Theater spaces for the music in 18th century Europe
29 January, 2017 by Francesco Cotticelli | 2 comments

International Conference Theater spaces for the music in 18th century Europe Queluz National Palace, Portugal (June 30th -July 2nd, 2017) Organizer Divino Sospiro - Centro de Estudos Musicais
DS-CEMSP is organizing from June30ththrough July 2nd 2017 an International Conference at the National Palace of Queluz (Portugal) dedicated tothe Theater spaces for the music in 18th century Europe.
The conference aims to further a multidisciplinary dialogue about the specificity and the heterogeneity of the spaces for the opera during the 18th century, inviting the participation ofresearchers of various areas who investigate this subject.
Cases concerning the dense network of court and public theaters (including the ephemeral ones), the multiple aspects of theater presentations in different architectonic spaces, the contexts and the occasions of social life and representativity, are going to be admitted.
Scholars are invited to submit individual proposals with the maximum length of 20 minutes per paper. Session proposals will be accepted as well: a maximum of three or four papers will be taken into consideration, and the session should not exceed 1h 30.
Official languages of the conference are Portuguese, Italian, English and Spanish.
Abstracts in Word format (.doc), should not exceed 300 words. Please enclose in the same file briefcurriculum vitae of 150words max. Please provide your name and surname, postal address, e-mail and telephone number, as well as you institutional affiliation.
Deadline for sending abstracts is April 1st2017
The scientific board will examine all abstracts by April 15th 2017, and contributors will be informed immediately thereafter.
Scientific Board:
Manuel Carlos de Brito, Paologiovanni Maione, Iskrena Yordanova,
Francesco Cotticelli, Cristina Fernandes, Giuseppina Raggi
Maria Ida Biggi (Università di Ca’ Foscari, Venezia, Italia - Fondazione Cini, Italia)
Luis Soares Carneiro (Universidade do Porto, Portugal)