Dramaturgies of the Body

09 December, 2015


Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença






The Brazilian Journal on Presence Studies [Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença], an open access, peer-reviewed, online journal which does not charge submission or publication fees, will be receiving until 31 March 2016 new articles that fall within the broad theme of DRAMATURGIES OF THE BODY.


The relationships between the body and dramaturgy have been explored in different ways in many contemporary performing poetics and, in the educational practices of artists and teachers. As the notion of dramaturgy has expanded and no longer means only a text written by a playwright, theatre, dance and performance have orchestrated many different ways to interweave actions and movements in order to constitute a poetic fabric that is not necessarily linear or readable.


These new ways of looking at dramaturgy – ways that move away from a text or libretto as the centre of a spectacle – involve the body in a new position. Thus, the body is the poetic element that constitutes dramaturgical thought in its multiple variations.


To foster discussion on the relationships between dramaturgy and the body, the Brazilian Journal on Presence Studies aims to offer an opportunity for the exploration of this theme from different perspectives. The authors may elaborate theoretical essays, articles derived from empirical and/or historical research on the relationships between the body and dramaturgy in relation to one or more of the following topics:


  • Dance dramaturgies
  • Performative forms of writing
  • Writing, the body and post-drama
  • Body and language
  • Body and education of playwrights
  • Body and education of performers
  • Body, sign and theatre
  • Identity marks of the body and dramaturgies of the contemporary scene
  • School, body and dramaturgy
  • Performance, text and the body
  • Non-dramatic presence, body and narrative
  • Performative body and theatre
  • The body as creation of contemporary theatre
  • History of the body and of the constitution of the spectacle
  • Body/presence of the dramaturg


The Brazilian Journal on Presence Studies expects to receive works based on research with a conceptual engagement in the field of the Dramaturgy and the Body and will give particular consideration to those utilising images and video to develop their reflections. Submissions should conform to the journal's standards and be posted directly to our submission system to follow the general evaluation process of the journal by clicking on the corresponding section (Dramaturgies of the Body). The journal does not charge submission or publication fees and uses the double-blind peer-review system. The text can be in Portuguese, Spanish, English, or French, and will be published in two languages. Authors sending texts in Portuguese or Spanish will be required to send an English translation. More information can be found on our website, www.seer.ufrgs.br/presenca; our guidelines can be viewed under “Author Guidelines.”

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